Marketing Marketing and Sales Alignment Sales

It’s the Customer’s Journey, Not Yours: Reimagining the Sales and Marketing Funnel

Get ready to revolutionize your sales and marketing approach. In a rapidly evolving business world, the traditional funnel model no longer suffices. Adaptability is the key to success, enabling you to re-engage leads dynamically, anticipate their needs, and allocate resources wisely. This article shares actionable insights that will transform your funnel into a powerful, future-proofed asset.

Marketing Marketing and Sales Alignment Sales

How The SMarketing Concept Can Break Silos Between Sales And Marketing

When it comes to marketing, it’s not enough to say, “Our campaign got tons of attention, it was a success!” You know and I know that this claim of success means very little to the CFO or even the VP of sales for that matter.

Marketing Marketing and Sales Alignment

The Attribution Question Many Agencies Don’t Want You To Ask

Throughout my 20-year marketing career, I’ve been presented with countless marketing campaign strategies. During the kickoff of those strategies, I’ve been asked the most crucial question of all: “How will we measure success?”