Unlock Your Company's True Potential:

Take the CASH Test Now

Discover Your Revenue Team’s Hidden Strengths and Weaknesses in Just 12 Questions

Is your organization leaving money on the table? Find out in minutes with our powerful CASH assessment:

  • Communication: Are your teams in sync or siloed?
  • Alignment: Is everyone rowing in the same direction?
  • Systems: Do your processes propel or hinder growth?
  • Honesty: Is transparency driving your success?

Take this quick 12-question CASH assessment to find out.

CASH Score

Scoring Criteria and What Your Score Means

  • A (Excellent): 105-120
    Your organization excels at aligning Sales and Marketing. Keep up the great work! You’ve built a well-oiled Revenue Team, and you’re clearly maximizing the potential of Communication, Alignment, Systems, and Honesty. Stay focused on maintaining this level of collaboration to continue driving success.

  • B (Good): 90-104
    You’re doing well, but there’s still room for improvement. While your teams show strong cohesion, there are a few gaps holding you back from reaching full potential. Focus on tightening up processes and improving transparency to elevate your performance.

  • C (Needs Improvement): 75-89
    Your teams are making some progress, but significant areas of misalignment are limiting your results. Strengthening communication, better sharing of systems, and more honest assessments of performance will help bring Sales and Marketing into a stronger partnership.

  • D (Significant Gaps): 60-74
    Misalignment is a serious issue in your organization, and it’s likely impacting growth. Both Sales and Marketing need to work on better communication and a shared focus. Addressing these gaps will improve cohesion and help you achieve more consistent results.

  • F (Critical Misalignment): Below 60
    Your organization faces critical challenges in Sales and Marketing alignment. Without immediate focus on rebuilding Communication, Alignment, Systems, and Honesty, your teams will continue to operate in silos, limiting revenue potential and collaboration. It’s time to prioritize change to move forward.

CASH Assessment Test - Learn your CASH Score